Teach them the decrees and laws, and show them the way to live and the duties they are to perform.
Exodus 18:20
Participants, except for the project leaders and technical staff who have other responsibilities, are assigned to one of three or four chore groups. Generally these correspond to a given quarry group or individuals from a set of quarries.
The responsibilities are rotated daily through these groups so no one individual will have the same responsibilities from one day to the next, This way we all get to help the camp and the project run smoothly.
The routine chores are performed by the designated chore group except on Sabbaths.
Meals are prepared by the project leaders (and any who wish to help!), and the washing of the food preparation and serving items are also done by the leaders. Worships are arrenged. No routine cleaning chores are performed.
The rotation continues through Saturday even though no duties are performed. This ensures that Fridays, as an example, are shared among the groups.
Plan meals ahead so that necessary ingredients are on hand
Normally there are three chore groups; however, when there are sufficient numbers of participants four groups are set up.